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Our creations (in the form of sculptures and assemblies) take different names depending on the fields of intervention for which they were imagined:


  • Discussion space design (environments inspired by themes from the world of business and management)

  • Interior and exterior fittings (private spaces for individuals, offices, commercial or public spaces)

  • Design of furniture (chairs, tables ...), objects (lights, sculptures ...), graphics (textile collection ...)

  • Scenography (creation within the framework of a scenic space)

There are many examples that prove that successful spatial planning contributes in particular to:

  • increase the productivity and profitability of a professional / commercial activity

  • strengthen the concentration and well-being of individuals

  • create a feeling of belonging (appropriation / reappropriation of a place)

  • create a spirit of community (between the services of a company or residents of the same neighborhood)

  • develop brand awareness or the expression of individual identity

  • enrich the customer or user experience

  • allow a better understanding of services, a theme, a philosophy

  • encourage and stimulate creativity, project new ideas

  • promote freedom of speech in a training or support framework

  • ...

Galerie de nos créations d'espaces de discussion
(supports à la formation et à la réflexion managériale en entreprise)


Discussion space

Sep 2021


Discussion space

Feb 2020



Discussion space

Jan 2018


Discussion space

Jul 2020


Discussion space

Sep 2018


Discussion space

Octo. 2017


Discussion space

Dec. 2016


Discussion space

March 2021

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Do not disturb

Nature of the project: Discussion space

Identity is usually understood in the human sciences as an interactive process with two inseparable sides: the subjective side of an intimate definition of self for oneself and the social side of a statutory definition of self for and by others.

The bathroom has become the room where our tendency to care for oneself and narcissism is most clearly expressed. Symbolic cradle of the organic and circulatory functions of the individual, the water which flows there allows a permanent purification of our body and our psyche. Would a clogged pipe then become a sign of poor physical function that would clog our body? A water leak that of a loss of energy, of a psychological fragility?

Suggested discussions in this space

  • Self-image, view of others

  • The company's image and its challenges

  • Identification, social image, belonging (...)


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 36 m²

  • Net mass 1500 kg

  • Dimensions in cm L 630 l 560 h 220

  • Assembly time 8 hours

PL 20.580 € HT

Approved value of the work on 09/14/2021
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

do not disurb
Vignettes illustration 300x300 (8).png

The art of balance

Nature of the project: Discussion space

An artistic installation imagined to accompany your discussions on the agility of management in which you will experience without a net: adaptability, communication and commitment.

“The art of balance” is never an immutable recipe applicable to all circumstances. This space will expose you in a situation of having to find the right balance between on the one hand, the importance of following your guideline to lead the necessary changes and on the other hand to take into account the intentions and reactions of other people in your organizational circle. .

Suggested discussions in this space

  • After the crisis: how to sustain agility?

  • Management through balance

  • Collective intelligence, team cohesion (...)


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 25 m²

  • Net mass 700 kg

  • Dimensions in cm L 500 l 500 h 250

  • Assembly time 6 hours

PL 13.200 € HT

Approved value of the work on 08/05/2018
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

l'art de l'equilibre
Vignettes illustration 300x300 (7).png


Nature of the project: Discussion space

Lift our eyes from where we are looking and know the sensation of soaring above the peaks.

Because standing on the heights, the gaze always ends up resting downwards, we suggest - with our creation "Resilience" - to project yourself into the white.

And if the only way to fill this empty space was to incorporate the others ...

Suggested discussions in this space

  • Professional resilience

  • Resilience and failure management

  • After the shock: the post-Covid company (...)


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 24 m²

  • Net mass 1400 kg

  • Dimensions in cm L 550 l 550 h 240

  • Assembly time 8 hours

PL 15.230 € HT

Approved value of the work on 07/10/2020
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

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Through and beyond

Nature of the project: Discussion space

Creating a corporate vision means striving to see through what we do, why we do it and where we want it to lead us: we expect from visioning not an absolute accuracy of views on the future but rather the perception of a meaning and the communication of a direction sufficiently desirable for all to want to engage in it.

The vision is a great surge of emotion that enhances the sense of working together and the involvement of employees (from the inside to the outside).

Vision is an ideal and unique picture of the future.

Suggested discussions in this space

  • The corporate vision

  • Mission - Vision - Values - Objectives

  • Space & Strategy (...)


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 180 m²

  • Net mass 8000 kg

  • Dimensions in cm L 1630 l 1130 h 250

  • 12 hour assembly time

PL 20,000 € HT

Approved value of the work on 02/03/2020
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

A travers et par delà
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Nature of the project: Discussion space

It is inspired by Iceland that we imagined for a management consulting firm this scenography more than ever qualified as immersive. Combining both a 360 ° video mapping projection filmed in 4K in the middle of the North Atlantic and the creation of a sound spatial environment, individuals completely experience the loneliness they feel daily in their management functions.

Beyond the technical constraints that we encountered for this installation (transforming an exhibition room into a pool), our team will also have had the concern at each stage of the design, to reproduce as faithfully as possible the emotion of feeling alone. to the world in this isolating management posture.

Suggested discussions in this space

  • The loneliness of the leader

  • My Alter Ego, this great absentee

  • Management: the ivory tower (...)


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 66 m²

  • Net water volume 15 m3

  • Dimensions in cm L 1100 l 600

  • Assembly time 8 hours

PL 13.500 € HT

Approved value of the work on 01/25/2018
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

A la derive
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At the heart of management

Nature of the project: Discussion space

"Know yourself and you will know the gods and the universe". This quote from Socrates could very well adapt to management. We talk more and more about “managerial personality” as if, ultimately, self-knowledge represented the very foundation of management and leadership to be deployed with employees.

For this staging, we wanted to interweave the concept of company management with that of self-knowledge. If the company is the living organism then the individual is its heart ... For humans, capable of questioning, the heart also represents the cradle of self-knowledge, the foundation of its nature. double reading of the theme that we imagined in this space which reproduces the anatomy of a human heart.

Suggested discussions in this space

  • Caring, a managerial ethic

  • People at the heart of operational management

  • A manager at the heart of the company (...)


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 96 m²

  • NC net mass

  • Dimensions in cm L 1200 l 800 h 220

  • 12 hour assembly time

PL 26.300 € HT

Approved value of the work on 04/10/2017
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

au coeur du management
Vignettes illustration 300x300 (12).png

Values & Crew

Nature of the project: Discussion space

The values of a company are the principles on which it is based to evolve in its sector and take its strategic decisions. These principles can be moral (loyalty to customers and employees, superior quality in all circumstances, etc.) societal (respect the environment, develop a more ethical business model, etc.). They can also take on a marketing dimension (proximity to its customers, adaptability, etc.) or reflect a strategy (innovate, always be at the forefront, etc.). The values of a company reflect the vision of its leader, his personal way of conceiving entrepreneurship.

A stroll through the 220 human values symbolized in a rain of 220 origami boats. Staged in the context of the 19th century crews who embarked from France for months on the difficult and dangerous fishing campaigns to Iceland and Newfoundland (see P. Loti - “Pêcheur d'Islande”).

Suggested discussions in this space

  • The values within the company (...)


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 120 m²

  • Net mass 25 kg

  • Dimensions in cm NC

  • Assembly time 3 hours

PL 2.800 € HT

Approved value of the work on 03/28/2017
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

valeur et equipage
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Innovation & Disorder

Nature of the project: Discussion space

In business, for most people, efficiency means a tidy office. What if mess is a quality?


Order and disorder influence our behavior. While an orderly environment does tend to stimulate clear and structured thinking, a poorly organized space encourages creative thinking and the emergence of new ideas. Hazardous discoveries can only occur in a heterogeneous and preferably crowded universe.

To create is to disturb: innovation is a disorder that manages to impose itself. We imagined this theme in the form of a 25m2 room fitted out on each of its sides. Like a brainstorming session, the furniture making up the environment is in turn shaked and offers participants a new reading grid, a new position in the space.


Scenographic variant (optional): two rooms in parallel can be arranged with identical content - one perfectly ordered, the other in a disordered form.


Technical informations

  • Useful surface 25 m²

  • NC net mass

  • Dimensions in cm L 550 l 450 h 230

  • Assembly time 8 hours

PL 6.600 € HT

Approved value of the work on 12/12/2016
Excluding delivery and installation costs

Unique art installation

► Illustrations from 3D modeling

of the work have no contractual value.

innovation et desordre

Atelier de design : 54000 Nancy


Siège social : 66 av. des Champs Elysées - 75008 Paris

Design workshop: 54000 Nancy

Headquarters: 66 av. des Champs Elysées - 75008 Paris

SAS 809 897 101 RCS Paris

Artistic creation in the plastic arts (9003A)

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